Sample trial: Picture Selection & Audio Playback

NOTE: this page assumes you are familiar with notions covered in this page.

Next sample trial: Rating scale & Input box


Create a new experiment on Ibex. Click on Update from git repo and enter the following URL:, then enter picture-audio (all lower case, simple dash) in the branch/revision box and click on the Sync button. You should see a confirmation message appear below the button, reading Success: N file modified. If you don’t see the message, try clicking again. If it still does not work, reload your Ibex page and try again.

Warning: whenever you click on Sync, the file example_data gets erased and reverts back to the code in the Basics section below.


Let’s say we want to see whether people use plural on a verb to identify a referent early on. Practically, we will ask people to choose between a picture with one fish and a picture with two, while listening to a sentence which remains a good description of either picture until the end unless you notice the absence of an -s on the verb.

As a first step, let’s present the sentence as written text above the two pictures:

[js try=”data-no-reset”]

newText(“test sentence”, “The fish swim in a tank which is perfectly round”)
.print() // A test sentence
newImage(“competitor”, “”)
.print() // An image with 1 fish that swims in a square tank
newImage(“target”, “”)
.print() // An image with 2 fish that swim in a round tank
newSelector(“tank”) // We indicate that target+competitor belong to a selection group
.settings.add( getImage(“target”) , getImage(“competitor”) )
.wait() // On hold until target or competitor is selected

Size and URLs

Most people would probably need to scroll down to see the second picture, let alone click on it. We better reduce their size: we will use .settings.size(200, 200). We also add PennController.AddHost(""); below PennController.ResetPrefix(null); so PennController knows where to look for files when we omit the URL.

[js new=”2,9,13″ try=”data-no-reset”]PennController.ResetPrefix(null);
PennController.AddHost(“”); // Look for files there when no URL specified

newText(“test sentence”, “The fish swim in a tank which is perfectly round”)
newImage(“competitor”, “1fishSquareTank.png”)
newImage(“target”, “2fishRoundTank.png”)
.settings.add( getImage(“target”) , getImage(“competitor”) )

Layout: canvas

It would be even better if the images appeared next to each other. We can place the images on a Canvas element to control their relative positions:

[js remove=”10,14″ new=”16-20″ try=”data-no-reset”]PennController.ResetPrefix(null);

newText(“test sentence”, “The fish swim in a tank which is perfectly round”)
newImage(“competitor”, “1fishSquareTank.png”)
.settings.size(200,200) // Don’t print it yet
newImage(“target”, “2fishRoundTank.png”)
.settings.size(200,200) // Don’t print it yet
newCanvas(“tanks”, 500, 200)
.settings.add( 0, 0, getImage(“competitor”) ) // 0 = left of canvas
.settings.add( 300, 0, getImage(“target”) ) // 300 = 100px to the right of the right edge of competitor
.print() // This prints the canvas, i.e. target and competitor side by side
.settings.add( getImage(“target”) , getImage(“competitor”) )

You can add any type of (printable) element on canvas. Feel free to add some text below each picture (e.g. target and competitor, but only for your test runs of course!).

Audio playback

Now, the task really gets interesting with some audio instead of some text. We generated a synthetic recording and uploaded the audio file to the same folder as the images. We then simply replace the Text element with an Audio element, like this:

[js new=”7,8″ remove=”5,6″ try=”data-no-reset”]

// newText(“test sentence”, “The fish swim in a tank which is perfectly round”)
// .print()
newAudio(“test sentence”, “fishRound.ogg”)
.play() // Immediately play the audio file
newImage(“competitor”, “1fishSquareTank.png”)
newImage(“target”, “2fishRoundTank.png”)
newCanvas(“tanks”, 500, 200)
.settings.add( 0, 0, getImage(“competitor”) )
.settings.add( 300, 0, getImage(“target”) )
.settings.add( getImage(“target”) , getImage(“competitor”) )

Note: Safari cannot play OGG files, use MP3 files instead.


  • Chrome won’t start playback unless you interacted with the page before: create a Button element (e.g. newButton("start", "Let's start!")) and wait for a click before launching playback.
  • Resize images to 200x200px by default
  • Invite participants to press a key in order to validate the trial (tips: add a Text and a Key elements at the end)
  • Stop the audio at the end of the trial (action command stop) / Wait until playback is over before ending (action command wait)


The trial never ends if I use wait on the Audio element and click after playback is over. Is this a bug?

No. What happens is that you have two wait commands in your script: one for the Selector element first, one for the Audio element then. The first wait command, called on the Selector element, puts the execution on hold and releases it only after a selection happens. Only then is the second wait command, called on the Audio element, evaluated. If playback is over by that time, the wait command holds the execution forever, since it then only starts listening for end-of-playback after it already happened (though theoretically it could happen again, e.g. if you called print on the Audio element and the participant clicked and replayed the file). This is the default behavior of the wait command: it waits for the next (at the time of evaluation) end-of-playback event. You can tell it to check the first end-of-playback instead by passing "first" as its argument.

TL;DR: use .wait("first") instead of .wait()

I would like to select pictures by pressing keys. How do I do that?

Use the settings command keys on the Selector element, like this:

[js new=”21″ try=”data-no-reset”]PennController.ResetPrefix(null);

newAudio(“test sentence”, “fishRound.ogg”)
.play() // Immediately play the audio file
newImage(“competitor”, “1fishSquareTank.png”)
newImage(“target”, “2fishRoundTank.png”)
newCanvas(“tanks”, 500, 200)
.settings.add( 0, 0, getImage(“competitor”) )
.settings.add( 300, 0, getImage(“target”) )
.settings.add( getImage(“target”) , getImage(“competitor”) )
.settings.keys( “F” , “J” ) // We associate each image with a key (spacing just for clarity, only order matters)

Additionally, you can disable clicks by calling .settings.disableClicks().

Can’t I just create the images when adding them to the canvas instead of having to create them first and refer back to them later?

Yes you can. Just try.

I added a request for a key press after selection, and the participant can now change their mind about the selection until they press the key. I don’t want that.

Try calling .settings.once() on the Selector element.

Do I really have to manually determine coordinates on canvas? It’s annoying!

You can use this page to create a draft of your canvas, and generate PennController-friendly code (you may have to adapt it a little bit though).

Next sample trial: Rating scale & Input box