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- Proceeded to complete engine overhaul
- Default prefix is now ‘Elements’ (e.g. PennController.Elements.newText("myText", "hello") )
- Fixed ResetPrefix (was testing type with “text” insteand of “string”)
- New format for saved lines (now [ElementType, ElementName, Parameter, Value, EventTime, Comments])
- Default commands are now specific to a trial
- Printed elements are now all embedded in a container DIV and assigned classes based on their type and their name
- Trials can now be run multiple times (when their labels appear more than once in shuffleSequence)
- GetTable().setLabel, GetTable().setItem and GetTable().setGroup now return the table
- Settings commands ‘before’ and ‘after’ now inherit blocking from the commands they execute
- Scale buttons now save option’s index if no label was specified
- Fixed timer.settings.callback (froze)
- Fixed key.test.pressed()
New features
- PennController._AddElementType for developers to design their own element types like text, audio, etc.
- PennController._AddStandardCommands for developers to add commands to all elements of all types
- Added PennController.Header and PennController.Footer
- Added .noHeader and .noFooter methods for PennController
- Added .log method for PennController, to add columns (previously known as .logAppend, which now adds *lines*)
- Added .setOption method for PennController
- Added new element type: Var
- Added new element type: Tooltip
- Added Settings command .slider for Scale elements
- Added Settings commands .horizontal and .vertical for Scale elements
- Added Test command .ended for Timer elements
- Added Action command .stop for Timer elements
- Added Test command .clicked for Button elements
- Added Settings command .length for TextInput elements
- Added Test command .complete and Action command .warn for Html elements
- Added Settings command .once for Youtube elements
- Added Test commands .ended and .clicked for Youtube elements
- Added Test command .printed as Standard
- Added Settings commands .hidden and .visible as Standard
- Added Settings command .settings.selector as Standard (added by Selector)
- Added Action command .setVar as Standard (added by Var)
- Added options to .settings.log for TextInput, including possibility to record every single key press