PennController.SequenceGlobal Commands

PennController.Sequence( labels )

Determines the order in which your trials will be run. Use your trials’ labels to manipulate the running order.

PennController.Sequence is a handler for the definition of Ibex’s shuffleSequence variable. As such, its arguments follow the same format as those of Ibex’s seq function. See Ibex’s documentation manual, section called Shuffle sequences.


[js try=”data”]
PennController.Sequence( “hello” , randomize(“world”) );

PennController( “world” ,
newButton(“world”, “Earth”)
PennController( “world” ,
newButton(“world”, “Moon”)
PennController( “world” ,
newButton(“world”, “Mars”)

PennController( “hello” ,
newButton(“world”, “Hello…”)

Will run the trial labeled hello first, even though it is defined below the world ones, and then will run all three trials labeled world in a random order.